How navigation app Skobbler beat Google Maps to the market – with Philipp Kandal

Philipp Kandal, Skobbler, European Founder, Failure, International Founders, Mental Game

The guest you’re going to meet today had this idea for a map company and the company, in many ways, beat Google Maps.

You’ll hear how Google came in and became a harsh competitor. You’ll hear how today’s guest still ended up doing so well the company ended up being acquired.

It’s an interesting story so I had to get the founder on here. The company is called Skobbler and its founder is Phillip Kandal.

Philipp Kandal


Phillip Kandal is the founder of Skobbler, which creates advanced maps technology and smart location-based navigation apps for iPhone, iPad and Android.

Andrew: Hey, everyone. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of

A few months ago, I flew this guy Ovi from Romania to San Francisco. The reason I did is not because I’m generous. It’s because we have this little community of Mixergy Premium members and we started organizing masterminds. I said, “How about if two to four of you guys get together and help each other out on a regular basis and talk through your businesses and help each other think things through?” And people were starting to do it.

We got dozens and dozens of people who did it. Ovi just kept helping so many people by saying what worked for him, by challenging me, by basically making a better experience for everyone. So I flew him to San Francisco. Then he and I drove to Napa Valley to one of my favorite spots in the area to talk business, and he told me about his business. He’s got this company called SocialBee that helps use social media to grow...

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