Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses for an audience of entrepreneurs. Joining me today is someone whose path to software creation is very similar to many of the other entrepreneurs that I’ve interviewed here. She started out by doing consulting services, helping businesspeople with their presentations, then she recognized that they had a problem that the presentations that the company was seeing out there in the field were not consistent. And she said, “You know, I can solve it.” And she created a software company to solve that.
So AlexAnndra Ontra is the founder, co-founder of Shufflrr. Shufflrr is a tool that . . . Well, it’s a presentation management software tool. We’re going to have her . . . You know what? I’m hesitating here is because I accidentally, as we talked, deleted your last name to make sure...