How Wagepoint was built from nothing – with Shrad Rao

Shrad Rao, Wagepoint, Bootstrapping, Hiring, SaaS (software as a service)

There’s somebody in the audience now who feels like they’re a nobody, who feels like they’re starting from nothing.

Our goal with this interview is to teach you how to turn that idea into something meaningful. Our goal is to teach you how you can impact people’s lives the way today’s guest did.

So how did he impact people’s lives? Well, I’ll tell you a personal experience I had at Mixergy.

Shrad Rao is the founder of Wagepoint. It’s payroll software for small businesses in both the U.S. and Canada. I want to hear how he built it up from nothing.

Shrad Rao


Shrad Rao is the founder of Wagepoint, payroll software for small businesses in both the U.S. and Canada.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters, my name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart. And what does that mean, “ambitious upstart”? Well, today’s guest is that. He’s a guy who had very little going for him. In fact, he says he came from literally nothing and he had to figure out how to build a business. I know that just as he used to listen to my interviews back when he was trying to figure out what his business is going to be, back when he was trying to figure out where he was going to go, just as he was there, there’s somebody right now who feels like they’re a nobody, somebody right now who feels like they’re starting literally from nothing, and our goal with this interview is to teach you, based on his experience, how you can climb up, how you can figure out what to do, how you can figure out how to turn that idea into something meaningful and how you can impact people’s lives the...

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