Marathon Series: Jane Lu’s Showpo at $60M/yr in revenue with no outside funding

Jane Lu, Showpo, Bootstrapping, eCommerce, International Founders, Physical Product, System, Women Founders

How do you put systems in place when you are used to doing everything yourself?

Jane Lu is the Founder of Showpo which is an online fashion company based in Sydney Australia.

Jane Lu started Showpo doing everything herself back in 2010. Nine years later she now has a team of 150 people and is making $60M a year in revenue.

Jane Lu


Jane Lu is the Founder of Showpo which is an online fashion company based in Sydney Australia.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses for an audience of real entrepreneurs. And joining me, I kind of feel, Jane, like, people are not going to take your interview as seriously as they are some of the more techie interviews. Even though . . .

Jane: We’ll show them. No. Go on.

Andrew: I think you’ve got higher revenue than anyone else that I’m going to be interviewing here.

Jane: Oh, amazing.

Andrew: Right. No outside funding?

Jane: No.

Andrew: I think it’s because it’s fashion with social media promotion.

Jane: Yeah.

Andrew: Right? Social media is the engine which you do incredibly well and you send people to a website where they can buy clothes. Right? And both of those things feel flimsy. Fashion is not supposed to . . . except for a few fashion brands, you’re...

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