Meet the founder who’s taking on Shopify

Gal Ratner, ShopSnap, Bootstrapping, eCommerce, European Founder, International Founders
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Today’s guest is a guy who has software that allows people to create online stores. The minute I heard about this idea, I said, “Whoa, he’s going to get crushed.” There are competitors already in the space who are really, really big.
I’m talking about Amazon and Shopify. And into this space he waltzes in and he says, “I’m going to build something better.” I want to find out how far he’s come.

Gal Ratner is the founder of ShopSnap, which allows customers to create an online store in a snap. The fact that he’s here shows you that he’s come pretty far. But I want to understand how.

Gal Ratner

Gal Ratner


Gal Ratner is the founder of ShopSnap, which allows customers to create an online store in a snap.

Andrew: Hey there, Freedom Fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. I do it for an audience of real entrepreneurs. I know that now there are more and more podcasts popping up, more and more interview programs popping up for people who are just basically wannabes. They want to live vicariously through the entrepreneurial experience, they will never do anything except enjoy that, the stories and I get it. I think my audience is completely different.

We are real entrepreneurs looking to understand how other real entrepreneurs have built their companies, and we want the details. We want to understand it because we want to actually use it. And so I’ll be real with you.

Today’s guest is a guy who has software that allows people to create online stores. The minute I heard about this idea, I said, “Whoa, he’s going to get crushed. I know lots of...

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