Buying and resuscitating a dying business

Jeremy Bodenhamer, ShipHawk, B2B, Comeback, Failure, Mental Game, SaaS (software as a service)
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Today’s guest bought a business that was at death door step.

He brought it back to life–back to profitability. But then he discovered an even bigger problem. We’ll talk about how he used software to solve it.

Jeremy Bodenhamer is the founder of ShipHawk, smarter shipping software.

Jeremy Bodenhamer

Jeremy Bodenhamer


Jeremy Bodenhamer is the founder of ShipHawk, smarter shipping software.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. Joining me is a guy who, you know, in a small town or frankly, even in a big town, when there’s something you want to mail out, you go to these, um, pack and ship places.

Well, Jeremy bought one of those years ago. One that was nearly how close to closing down was it.

Jeremy: Right at death’s doorstep

Andrew: We’re talking weeks away from being closed, right?

Jeremy: probably. Yeah.

Andrew: The guy buys the business. It’s called packing posts, turns it around, turns it into a profitable business and discovers an even bigger problem, which is that nobody knows what it costs to ship anything. And he said, you know, if people don’t know what it costs to ship anything, I think there’s a business in here.

I could create software that would do...

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