You’ve built a physical product you love. How do you charge for it? – with Shane Kofoed

Shane Kofoed, Beacon Audio, Bootstrapping, Brand (branding), Customer Acquisition, eCommerce, Physical Product

How does an entrepreneur who loves beautifully designed products find the balance to stay profitable?

Shane Kofoed is the founder of Beacon Audio, which makes beautifully designed speakers that just work. I know, because I’ve got one in my house.

In his first 12 months, he generated $1.4M in sales. If you’re designing a physical product, check out this interview.

Shane Kofoed

Beacon Audio

Shane Kofoed is the Co-founder at Beacon Audio, which is an audio store based in Salt Lake City.


Andrew: Hey there freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I am the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart.

How does an entrepreneur who loves beautifully designed products build a profitable hardware company? Shane Kofoed is the founder of Beacon Audio which makes beautifully designed speakers that just work. I know, because I’ve got one in my house. I was actually going to bring it here and show it to you, but I still have it in my house and I’m still enjoying it. I have another one here in the box that gives you a sense of what the speakers look like. I wish I could communicate how well they sound.

Before I do the full introduction or finish it, I should say this interview is sponsored by Scott Edward Walker of Walker Corporate Law. I’ll tell you more about him and why he’s the startup’s lawyer later on.

First, Shane, welcome.

Shane: Thanks, Andrew, great to be here.

Andrew: You know what?...

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