How do you know if a side hustle is worth going all in on?

Brian Burke, SellYourMac, eCommerce, Non-Tech

Joining me today is a guy who had ambitions of getting into Finance. But he couldn’t do it because he couldn’t get hired. He applied at hedge funds and went to interviews in New York but couldn’t compete with the other Ivy League resumes.

So he went back home and what did he do? He started buying and selling on Ebay. Today Brian Burke is the founder of SellYourMac which repurposes and recycles used Apple products.

We’ll find out if there’s any money in this business and if the people who turned him down in New York were right.

Brian Burke


Brian Burke is the founder of SellYourMac which repurposes and recycles used Apple products.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview proven entrepreneurs about how they built their phenomenally successful businesses for an audience of real entrepreneurs who are building phenomenally successful companies as you’re listening to me, or sometimes just getting started.

I got to tell you that when I went to NYU, I was studying finance. I wanted to be this guy who bought and sold companies just like one of my heroes at the time, which was Henry Kravis, a guy who was known for buying companies like Nabisco. Anyway, I decided once I got into tech and entrepreneurship, I just couldn’t leave it alone. I had to get into it. Joining me is a guy who had similar ambitions of getting into finance. And the reason he didn’t do it is because he couldn’t get a job. I don’t know why he couldn’t get a job. He seems like a nice guy. He’s very friendly, smart. He...

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