How to charge Premium prices from day one (Even if you’re an unknown) – with Selena Soo

Selena Soo, S2 Groupe, Customer Acquisition, Educational Company, Women Founders

Today’s guest got frustrated with her PR clients so she stopped doing it and created a business that teaches people how to get more attention for their work and build their businesses.

What’s interesting about her is that she seemed to come out of nowhere. She charged premium pricing. And she grew her revenue fast.

Selena Soo is the founder of S2 Groupe, which helps coaches and consultants earn more.

Selena Soo

S2 Groupe

Selena Soo is the founder of S2 Groupe which is a consultancy group that focuses on marketing and publicity.

Andrew: Hey there freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart and home of over a thousand interviews where I’ve done my brow like this and I’ve leaned in deeply and I push people a little bit too much because I think I take myself very seriously. I take this program very seriously. You know what? If I’m going to do this, I don’t want to do one of these half assed interviews. I want to do a program where you really get to learn something where at the end of it you go, “You know? I think I can change my life or a part of my life because of this interview.” That’s my goal for every conversation, and I know we’re going to get a lot of that in this one.

Today’s guest was frustrated with the PR work that she did for her clients, so she stopped doing it. Then she created a business that teaches people how to get more attention for their work and build their...

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