How to organize your company’s processes so you can go on vacation

Brian Augsburger, Scroll, System

Today we are turning things around. My guest is going to interview me.

You guys know I’ve gotten a lot of mileage out of landing pages. I’ve interviewed founders about how they built companies that optimize them. I’ve created courses around building better landing pages. The problem is that everyone out there is doing landing pages. It’s become hard to stand out.

Well Brian Augsburger said he has something that’s brand new. It’s called Scroll, a company that creates longform content as a replacement for landing pages.

Today he’s asking me about how I organized Mixergy so I could finally take a vacation. He’s going to turn what we talked about into a longform story.

Brian Augsburger


Brian Augsburger is the founder of Scroll, which creates longform stories for businesses.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses for an audience of real entrepreneurs. And today, we’re going to turn things around. I’ve got a guest who’s going to be interviewing me kind of.

Here’s the deal. I’ve gotten a lot of mileage out of creating landing pages. You guys have seen them on the internet forever. In fact, I think it was like 10 years ago when I started doing interviews with people who create software to enable landing pages. We did interviews about how they built successful companies. I did courses with them about how to create better landing pages. We’ve done so well with landing pages. I just found out recently that we’re like in the two comma club of ClickFunnels, like one of our series of landing pages and follow-up pages get over $1 million.

We’ve done it to death. The...

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