GOGII, JAMDAT And The Unknown Heavyweight – with Scott Lahman

Scott Lahman, GOGII, Mobile Apps, Sell Your Business, Social Media
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While the tech media celebrates every startup with a Twillio account, a round of funding and a dream to make it big in a group messaging space, Scott Lahman is quietly building a giant: GOGII. GOGII has about 8 million active members who text, share photos and create chat rooms.

Scott doesn’t do many interviews about the business or hang out at cool SXSW parties, but he agreed to talk on Mixergy about how he’s growing GOGII. We also talked about how he took his previous company, JAMDAT, from idea to IPO, to a $680 million sale to Electronic Arts.

Scott Lahman

Scott Lahman


Scott Lahman is Founder of GOGII, Inc., the mobile social networking company that is revolutionizing the text message platform with textPlus.


Three messages before we get started. First, are you still coordinating projects by email and wondering why you’re not productive? Would you check out TeamworkPM.net. TeamworkPM.net is trusted by Universal Studios, the University of Texas at Austin, the U.S. Army, and other large organizations. But if you’re just trying to coordinated with a small company, maybe even just two people, it’ll still help make you team more productive. How much more productive would you like to be with TeamworkPM.net?

Next, who’s a lawyer that tech startups trust? Scott Edward Walker or Walker Corporate Law. Here’s what Neil Patel, founder of KISSmetrics, says about Scott. He says, “Scott is a great lawyer. He’s affordable, responds fast, doesn’t charge you for five minute phone calls, and always gives great advice.” Walker Corporate Law.

Finally, did you know that in addition to being the virtual phone system that entrepreneurs...

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