Andrew: Hey there Freedom Fighters, My name is Andrew Warner. I am the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart and as all my guests now know, the owner of a clap board, which actually I didn’t realize it actually does something . It helps us to align an audio. But that’s not why you are here to watch this interview. You are going to hear about an entrepreneur who built a successful company. And today, you are going to learn about a guy who said that he had an idea, it almost hit him like a bolt of lightning. What would you if you had an idea like that? Well, for him it ended up well leading him to build a multimillion dollar business. And I have invited him to talk about how he did it.
Scott Hill, the man you see here on screen is the founder of Perq, a marketing technology and promotions company that helps businesses attract consumers with incentives and this interview is sponsored by well frankly a free sponsor I am giving, free sponsoring that...