Forget using startup checklists and tools to grow your business. This company gives you the blueprint. – with Scott Annan

Scott Annan, StartupPlays, Content, Educational Company, Failure, Scaling

I was checking my email and I got a message that said “StartupPlays is shutting down.” I immediately I opened it up, forwarded it to the Mixergy team, and said, “Could you get the founder of this company to come on here and talk about what happened?” Because I want to learn from both successes and failures in business.

And today we have both, thanks to the Mixergy team and to the founder of StartupPlays.

Scott Annan founded StartupPlays, where successful entrepreneurs create step-by-step guides to accelerate startups. Today his vision evolved into, a site that offers high quality actionable content by experts and it’s always up to date.

Scott Annan


Scott Annan is the founder of which helps startups “get there faster” by copying actual game plans used by the world’s most successful entrepreneurs.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. You know me, right? I’m Andrew Warner, and you know the site,, home of the ambitious upstart.

And I was sitting here at home of the ambitious upstart checking my email and the other day I got an email that said “StartupPlays is shutting down”. Immediately I opened it up and I forwarded it to the Mixergy team and said, “Could you get the founder of this company to come on here and talk about what happened because I want to learn from both successes and failures and everything in business?”

And so today we have both, thanks to the Mixergy team and to the founder of StartupPlays.

Scott Annan, who you see up on your screen, founded StartupPlays, a site that offered checklists for startups. Today his vision evolved into, a site that offers high quality actionable content by experts and it’s always up to date. I invited him here to talk about how he did and my buddy Scott...

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