Case Study: Building to sell

Dan Faggella, Science of Skill, Customer Acquisition, Marketing, Sell Your Business
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A few years ago I interviewed today’s guest about his martial arts business Science of Skill.

And I’m going to be honest with you, I thought the site just looked OK. But Dan Faggella, the founder, told me privately how I didn’t understand marketing automation at all. He actually came back to Mixergy to teach a course on it.

He opened my eyes to how much marketing automation can transform a business. What I didn’t know at the time was that he wanted to sell Science of Skill as he was building it. He tried and he failed.

But he tried again and he had success. I want to find out how he did it.

Dan Faggella

Dan Faggella

Science of Skill

Dan Faggella founded the Science of Skill eCommerce company, and sold it for over $1MM to fund TechEmergence (Emerj), an artificial intelligence research platform.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I already cut off my guest. I saw he was about to say something before I made this intro, but I don’t care. I’m going for it, Dan. Here’s the thing. I interviewed today’s guest a few years ago about how he had a martial arts website called Science of Skill. And at the time, I’m going to be honest, I thought this site just looked okay. But this dude came on and he talked about how he did with his business, that was interesting. And then he and I had a private conversation he said, “Andrew, you do not understand marketing automation at all online.”

I went through your site because I’m a madman. I didn’t say you are a madman but I picked up on that. And here’s the kind of automation you could do. And he was showing me his marketing automation. If someone clicks on this, they get tagged like that and they go in this bucket. The brilliance behind it was...

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