Don’t be afraid to charge: “There is room for paid training and free training to coexist” – with Joey Korenman

Joey Korenman, School of Motion, Content, Educational Company, Marketing, Scaling, System, Traffic

Today we’re going to find out how today’s guest went from $5,000 a year t0 $500,000 a year.

Joey Korenman is the founder of School of Motion, which is dedicated to premium motion design training. We’ll talk about what motion means and we’ll also talk about his upcoming book.

Here’s the interview.


Joey Korenman

School of Motion

Joey Korenman is the founder of School of Motion which is dedicated to Premium Motion Graphics Training.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. You know me. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of The reason I say you know me is I’ve been doing this for years, since about 2008.

One of the first interviews that I did was with a guy that I met at a live Mixergy event. The guy comes up to me and says, “Andrew, I’ve been listening to you for a long time. My dad and I are starting a business together and we listen to Mixergy so that I can learn about how to build a business.” I was so excited. I think he and I went out to brunch if not that day, we went out the next day. I just got to know him better.

The guy was François Arbour and he told me about how he and his father were building PremiumBeat, which is like audio that you can buy and put in your videos or put in your podcast or put on your website. The business was just growing and growing for him. I said come on and let’s do an interview.

So, François did an...

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