How Sarah Bird is stepping into Rand Fishkin’s shoes as Moz’s new CEO – with Sarah Bird

Sarah Bird, Moz, Customer Acquisition, Marketing, SaaS (software as a service), Women Founders
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Some of you guys may know that I had a business earlier on in my life that did fairly well, but what you don’t know is that I had a challenge growing it.

So I figured if we are really going to talk about the entrepreneurial experience, we can’t just talk about the early stage and then forget about what happens afterwards. That’s what this interview is about.

Sarah Bird is the new CEO of Moz. She took over for the founder a few months ago. Moz creates SEO software, marketing analytics tools, and all kinds of content to help you learn inbound marketing. I invited her here to talk about how the business has grown. From where she started when there were only eight people to where it is today, with well over 100 people. We’ll find out all about that growth.

Sarah Bird

Sarah Bird


Sarah Bird is the CEO of Moz, which creates SEO software, marketing analytics tools, and all kinds of content to help you learn inbound marketing


Andrew: Hey, there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of It’s home of the ambitious upstart, and some of you guys may know that I had a business earlier on in my life that did fairly well, but what you don’t know is that I had a challenge growing it.

You see, the hustler stage of being an entrepreneur, the one where you find customers, where you build things quickly, where you bring people onboard who are friends of yours and you inspire them with the vision, I was good at. The part where you take it from there, where you manage people who didn’t know you growing up, who don’t have personal connections with you and can tell the nuances of the way you’re getting frustrated or angry, that was a challenge to me. One that frankly, I didn’t learn at school and I still want to learn how to get better at.

So I figured if [??] is really going to talk about the entrepreneurial experience, we...

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