How improving one page can 4x your sales – with Brian Moran

Brian Moran, SamCart, B2B, Customer Acquisition, eCommerce, Hiring, Marketing, SaaS (software as a service)

You know how everyone talks about the different pages on your site and how you can improve them to dramatically grow your business?

Well, the truth is, there’s actually one page that might have more impact than all of those combined, one page that can actually 4x your sales, says today’s guest. And that’s the page where people actually pay.

Brian Moran is the founder of SamCart. It’s an e-commerce shopping cart that actually helps small businesses grow.

I’ve heard that some people are changing nothing but that one page to grow sales. I invited him here to talk about how being in the content space led him to build an audience that helped him find the product to start selling and creating.

Brian Moran


Brian Moran is the co-founder of SamCart, an e-commerce shopping cart that helps small businesses get their store up and running online faster.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of It is, of course, home of the ambitious upstart. You know that already. What I say a lot of times in my intros is that what distinguishes Mixergy from so many other new business podcasts that have come on since I started is I always keep real entrepreneurs in mind. I know I can broaden the audience if I go after the wannabes.

I know I can broaden the audience if I go after the same kind of audience that goes to YouTube to look at guys lean up on their Lamborghinis, right? That’s a big audience. But that’s a very empty audience to go after. I intentionally really dive deep into how an entrepreneur built his business because I know that real entrepreneurs don’t want to see the leaning up against the Lamborghini or boast about how I quit my job and started a business.

They want to hear clearly where did the idea come from, how are you adjusting the...

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