SnapInspect: How To Find A Software Idea And Pre-Sell It Before It’s Built (Without Any Coding Skills Or Capital) – with Sam Ovens

Sam Ovens, SnapInspect, B2B, Mobile Apps, Outsourcing, Selling 1-on-1
Get the whole interview here

Do you think you need an idea, coding skills or capital to start a successful business? If you do, you’re dead wrong.

Sam Ovens started his software company with no idea, no market knowledge, no coding skills or capital and he claims that having none of these is an advantage in business, not a disadvantage. He did it with guidance from, so I invited him to talk about his process.

In this interview you’ll discover:

– Why B2B is a safer bet than B2C for entrepreneurs looking to start a profitable business

– How to find a profitable niche (It’s so simple you’ll be surprised).

– How to extract an idea out of that niche. (Even if you have no knowledge in it).

– How to get your niche to design the perfect product for you. (Even if you know nothing about software or apps).

– How to pre-sell your product to 12 companies and collect the cash while it’s still an idea on paper. (With no website, no domain name, no business cards, no payment system, nothing).

– How to outsource all the development and get the perfect product at the lowest price.

These are all tactics that you can scribble down and implement yourself tomorrow. Grab a pen and a couple pieces of paper, hit play and ENJOY!

Sam Ovens

Sam Ovens


Sam Ovens is the Founder of SnapInspect, a software company that has a property inspection app for property management businesses.

You can add Sam Ovens on (LinkedIn, here) or on (Facebook, here).

Want the exact email and phone script Andrew & Sam talk about in the interview?

If enough people request it in the comments below, Sam will share the exact email template he used to find his idea, and… the word-for-word telephone script Sam used to call businesses and dig deeper on the phone. You can swipe these files verbatim and use them yourself. Just comment below.

Andrew: Coming up, today’s guest failed and then he did one thing differently and then he succeeded. I won’t tell you what that one thing is, but if you catch this interview all the way through the end you’ll know it for yourself, and if could have just as big an impact on your life. Also, notice the grin on today’s guest when he tells you how he got a high end develop shop to help him design the look, the feel, the features of his mobile app. You’ll understand why he’s grinning and then I want to know from you, is it something that you’d want to do to get your product developed? Finally how do you get strangers to tell you what to build for them and then to plunk down their credit cards and pay for it. All that and so much more is coming up.

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