How to kill the pitchfest (and still run a profitable event)

Andrew Lock, The SAM Event, Marketing, Non-Tech

A while back I flew to DC for a Mastermind Conference with Joe Soto.

And what was interesting to me was that the event was profitable for him. It took a lot of strategizing to make sure the event wasn’t a loss.

Well, today’s guest helped him with that. I want to find out how he does it.

Andrew is the co-creator of The SAM Event which is is a 2 day event with speakers and entertainers talking about Sales, Advertising and Marketing.

Andrew Lock

The SAM Event

Andrew is the co-creator of The SAM Event which is is a 2 day event with speakers and entertainers talking about Sales, Advertising and Marketing.

Andrew W: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. I was at a . . . I guess it was called a Mastermind was it, Andrew, that Joe Soto did?

Andrew L: Yes. The Mastermind Weekend. Yeah.

Andrew W: So I flew to D.C., I spoke there. And it was a good crowd about 100 plus people for an in-depth event where Joe was presenting the whole time, except for me and one other person we had with a short presentation. And what was interesting to me was that he and I were talking about how the event was profitable for him and he and you had strategized about how to make sure that the event wasn’t a loss and that you Andrew Lock are not just helping him create an event that’s profitable, you’ve been doing it yourself. And that stands out to me largely, because when I interview people who run conferences and other events like Traffic &...

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