Million Dollar Earth: Generating $30,000 in 45 days? – with Ryan Hart

Ryan Hart, Million Dollar Earth, Bootstrapping
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How does a founder generate $30,000 in 45 days? And why did sales stall after that?

Ryan Hart put up a web site with a Google map and let people buy virtual countries on it. His site is called

I invited him here to talk about what happened, and what happened after Google started asking him to pay to use its mapping service.

Ryan Hart is the Founder and Chief Creative Officer of Million Dollar Earth which allows businesses to own digital real estate and display their social profiles.


Andrew: Coming up: Well, by the time you watch this interview, the site we talk about could be out of business. Why? And what could you do to avoid that kind of fate for yourself? Well, today’s entrepreneur is going to get very open with you. Stay tuned and you’ll learn how to protect your company. Also, have you ever watched a website get celebrity after celebrity after celebrity using it, and said to yourself, “Hey, I’d like that kind of action. I want them to be on my site. I want them to use my products.” You’re about to learn a tactic that I don’t think you’ll hear anywhere else. Tune in for that and so much more in this interview. Let’s go.

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