How to grow a side project into a startup (with no funding or experience) – with Ruben Timmerman

Ruben Timmerman, Springest, Bootstrapping, Educational Company, European Founder, International Founders, Lifestyle Business, Marketplace, Mixergy Fan, SaaS (software as a service)

You know when you want a pizza how there are so many sites that will help you find the right one and even give you user reviews?

Well, what if you want to take the right course? Today’s guest created a business that helps with that.

Ruben Timmerman is the founder of Springest, an independent comparison website for training programs and courses.

Ruben Timmerman


Ruben Timmerman is the founder of Springest, an independent comparison website for training programs and courses.


Andrew: Hey there freedom fighters, my name is Andrew Warner. I am the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart. You know, if you want to, I don’t know, find a pen you can go online to an online marketplace and look around and compare pens and you will find the one that fits just right for you. Same thing for earphones, and so many other things in your house.

But what about online education? What if you want to compare different courses? What if you want to look for a course and see what the options are. If you are going to do it online or do it offline etcetera, where do you go for that? Today’s guest is a Mixergy fan who built just the marketplace, the business has grown really big, and I invited him here to talk about how he did it. Ruben Timmerman is the founder of Springest, an independent comparison site for training programs and courses. They don’t create the courses themselves, they just make them more accessible to individuals and...

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