Recipe Secrets: Want Someone Else To Sell Your Products? – with Ron Douglas

Ron Douglas, Recipesecrets, Customer Acquisition, Food, Marketing
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How does a laid off employee end up building a million dollar recipe business?

Ron Douglas is the founder of a site where web users share recipes, including how to make food from their favorite chain restaurants like KFC & Macaroni Grill at home.

Since he launched his business on his lunch hour, his upcoming book is called Lunch Break Millionaire.

Ron Douglas

Ron Douglas


Ron Douglas is the founder of a site where web users share recipes, including how to make food from their favorite chain restaurants like KFC & Macaroni Grill at home.


Andrew: Coming up. Do you want to get other people to sell your products? Well, watch what happened to today’s guest when he got mercenaries to promote his. Also, can one bit of pre-launch research really help you ensure success? Well listen to the one thing today’s guest did before he launched, how it helped him and how it could help you. Those stories and so many others including the, I’m hoping we could get to the, picketing a strip club story. All that and so much more coming up.

Three messages before we get started. First, do you need web design work? Go to It’s run by Alex Champagne who has helped me with a lot of last minute projects at Mixergy. Now he’s running a design company at Second, do you need a lawyer who actually understands the startup world that you live in? Go to I’ve known Scott Edward Walker or years. So tell him you’re a friend of mine when you go to...

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