How Latif Nanji turned roadmapping into a SaaS business – with Latif Nanji

Latif Nanji, Roadmunk, B2B, Bootstrapping, Hiring, Marketing, SaaS (software as a service)
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I looked up today’s guest on Product Hunt before this interview and people were beating up on his product, beating up on him. I wasn’t really sure what to make of him.

And then our producer talked to him and found out about the business. It’s just growing and growing for a company that has got an innovative idea and in an area you never would have thought could support a product.

I want to introduce you to him and find out how he built up his company. His name is Latif Nanji. He is the founder of Roadmunk. Roadmunk helps companies create and share their products strategy and roadmaps. We’ll talk more later about what that means.

Latif Nanji

Latif Nanji


Latif Nanji is the founder of Roadmunk which helps companies create and share their products strategy and roadmaps.

Andrew: Hey, everyone. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I do interviews with real tech entrepreneurs for an audience of real tech entrepreneurs. Like, frankly, today’s guest, both a listener and now an interviewee. And frankly, if I discovered him on my own, I don’t know if I would have had him on Mixergy because who knew that this was such a big business.

Frankly, the truth is that a few months ago, a guy named Chad McAllister who’s been listening for a long time sent me an email about this guy, Latif. He said, “Andrew, he’d be a great person to invite over for Scotch or to have on Mixergy as a guest.” And he started telling me about this Latif’s business and I thought, “Huh, really?” So then I looked him up on Product Hunt and man. People were beating up on the product, beating up on him, “How could you charge so much? [inaudible 00:00:50] bucks a person, how dare you?”...

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