Riding The Startup Roller Coaster With The Former CEO of uBid – with Jeff Hoffman

Jeff Hoffman, Color Jar, Customer Acquisition, Failure, Mental Game, Sell Your Business, Web 1.0

He became a millionaire at 29 when he sold American Express the tech company he founded to modernize the travel industry. Then he helped launch one of the dotcom world’s most successful companies, Priceline. He followed that up with Perfect YardSale, Priceline’s failed attempt to bring its “name your own price” to yard sale items. The market was worried about internet companies and pushed Priceline to shed non-performing sites, so Perfect YardSale had to go.

Later in his career, he produced (and even had a role in) “Cabin Fever,” the move shot for $1.5 million that went on to earn a stunning $30.5 million at the box office. After that, he went on to head uBid, the company that saw its stock price dive from $3.90 to 20 cents per share in the 2 years he ran it.

It’s been a roller coaster ride. In this interview, you’ll hear how it all happened and what he learned from the experience. You’ll also hear about the good causes he was able to help along the way.

Jeff Hoffman

Jeff Hoffman

Color Jar

Jeff Joffman is the founder of, Color Jar, a venture accelerator firm that helps entrepreneurs and small business owners launch and grow new business ventures. Previously, he was the CEO of uBid. He was also CEO of Perfect YardSale, a Priceline company, and founder of Competitive Technologies Inc.


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