Tickle: From Idea To $100 Mil Company By Clever Marketing – with Rick Marini

Rick Marini, BranchOut, Hiring, Marketing, PR / Media Marketing, Scaling, Sell Your Business, Social Media

How does a first time entrepreneur build a company that sells for $100 million dollars? That’s what Rick Marini did with Tickle, a quiz site that he co-founded and sold to Monster. You’ll hear how he did it in this interview.

You’ll also hear about his latest company, BranchOut, a career site that uses your Facebook connections and LinkedIn resume to help you network.

Rick Marini


Rick Marini is the Founder & CEO of BranchOut. BranchOut brings career networking to Facebook. Users can search for a company and identify all of their friends and friends-of-friends that work there for the ultimate inside connection for jobs, sales leads and career networking.


Hey, before we get started, Mixergy is sponsored by Grasshopper. It’s the virtual phone system that entrepreneurs love because they’ll give you a toll-free number, unlimited extensions, call forwarding, voicemail via email and so much more. Go to Grasshopper.com.

It’s also sponsored by Scott Edward Walker of Walker Corporate Law. If you’re an entrepreneur in the tech space, you probably already have heard of him. If you’re not, if you’re new in the space, check out Walker Corporate Law, and you’ll understand why so many tech startups and so many advanced tech companies use Walker Corporate Law.

All right. Here’s the program.

Andrew: Hey, everyone. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy.com, home of the ambitious upstart. How does a first time entrepreneur build a company that sells for $100 million dollars? That’s exactly what today’s guest did.

Rick Marini is the...

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