Is Daniel DiPiazza angry at me?

Daniel DiPiazza, Rich20Something, Content, Educational Company

He wrote Rich20Something, a book to help millennials start & grow their businesses.

Even though he has a profitable & growing business that I’ve known about for years, my team and I put him through Mixergy’s rigorous screening process. Plus I couldn’t promise we’d publish his interview before his book launch.

Jerk move on my part? Was he angry? Listen to his voice when he responds to those questions at the start of the interview.

Daniel DiPiazza


Daniel DiPiazza is the author of Rich20Something, a book to help millennials start & grow their businesses.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses.

Now I’m doing these interviews from a stand up desk, which I’m not here to like talk endlessly about the stand up desk, but I am here to tell you the freaking lights are still too bright for this positioning. Now that I understand how lights should be, it drives me nuts that these lights are not perfect. I want them just right. I have to hire somebody to come in and adjust them. That’s how obsessed I am with the lights. And for no reason, Daniel–most people are listening to the audio version. They don’t watch it. But it upsets me.

Daniel: If they’re not watching it, they’re missing out on 50% of the sex appeal of the show.

Andrew: Right, including the thing that’s over your shoulder, which I’m going to talk about.

Daniel: I was...

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