Starting small on a BIG vision

Ashray Malhotra,, Indian Founders, International Founders, Marketing, Scaling

Today’s guest is someone who has this big vision of changing the world. But he realized something. If you want to change the world, if you want to really have big impact, you have to start small.

Ashray Malhotra is the founder of, which uses Generative AI to address millions of customers personally, through videos.

We’ll find out about his big vision in this interview.


Ashray Malhotra

Ashray Malhotra is the founder of, which uses Generative AI to address millions of customers personally, through videos.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses, the entrepreneurs who I interview, just like today’s guests have this big vision of changing the world. But today’s guests realize, you know what, if you want to change the world, if you want to really have big impact, he’s smiling.

As I say, this, the name, the recognition in your face, dude, your vision is so big. Your ability is so big. I understand why you’re so busting out to do big things. ASHRAE had this big vision, a couple of them, one of them. I remember reading years ago, he said it’s kind of a pain to listen to music at different shows.

And I think you even tell me if I’m wrong. Didn’t you find that there was. A riot at some concert because people couldn’t hear properly, but they were supposed to listen.

Ashray: mother in the middle...

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