How to solve a specific problem for a specific niche

Jonathan Kite, Rent Ready

Jonathan Kite is the co-founder of Rent Ready, which was built to eliminate the frustration of getting an apartment home move-in ready.

It’s a very simple tool that is very powerful for the right customers. I’ll ask him how he discovered the idea and how he’s grown Rent Ready to over $4MM arr.

Jonathan Kite

Rent Ready

Jonathan Kite is the co-founder of Rent Ready, which was built to eliminate the frustration of getting an apartment home move-in ready.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of mixer do where I, uh, do these interviews for an audience of entrepreneurs. And since I moved to Austin, one of the first things that my guests say, when I connect with them is, is that a back backdrop on zoom? Or is that a real thing?

And it’s a real thing. I’m now sitting outdoors beautiful, but I’ve never. Forget, never owned a house. I’ve always been moving around, but I’ve also never lived outside of the city. My experience for most of my life has been living in apartments in the middle of a city. And I chose them because I like that.

If there’s an issue, a guest comes over, breaks a toilet, I call downstairs and they send somebody right up within minutes. Literally they fix a thing and they go away. And I never thought too much about what it means for these buildings to have people like me move in and out of them often for me, it was...

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