Building A Software Company (Without Building Software) – with Rene Lacerte

Rene Lacerte,, B2B, Customer Acquisition, SaaS (software as a service), System
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If you want to build a successful software company, you should start by building software, right?

Maybe not. Today’s guest started by doing everything for his clients by hand. It helped him figure out their pain so he could build software to eliminate that pain.

Rene Lacerte is the founder of PayCycle, an online payroll service that he sold to Intuit for approximately $170 million in cash.

Today he’s running, a service that we use at Mixergy to make sure the contractors and companies that help this site grow get paid using whatever payment method they prefer.

Rene Lacerte

Rene Lacerte

Rene Lacerte is the founder of, which helps small businesses with simpler and faster and more affordable bill payment and payroll solutions.


Andrew: Coming up, have you ever given your product to a friend or maybe a friend of a friend and asked for feedback and what you’ve gotten instead was ‘Oh, you’re doing a great job. It’s terrific. Congratulations. You’re doing great’. Well, the people who are well meaning like that, who are hiding their honest feedback, how do you get the good stuff? How do you get their good, honest feedback that you can actually use?

Well, check out the one thing that today’s guest did. If you’re in that situation I think you’ll find that part helpful.

Also, where do good ideas come from? Check out where today’s guest got his, well not $1 million dollar idea, $170 million dollar idea. Interesting approach that we’ve heard from other guests but never quite like this. Listen for that section of the interview and you’ll see where great ideas come from.

Finally, what’s in this box. I’ll open...

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