“How to Become the Leader Your Team is Waiting For” – with Jonathan Raymond
I get really excited about systems. In fact, we’ve done a series of interviews around systems because frankly I needed it. I needed to organize my company. I just wanted a process. When I was thinking about how to do it, I remembered back to my entrepreneurship class where Professor Craig Boyce handed every one of us a copy of “EMyth,” the book.
He said, “If you want to, read this book and it will show you how to organize your business.” I read it cover to cover. One thing that really stood out was if a blue suit works for you and that’s the way you communicate authority and people respect you with a blue suit, wear a blue suit every day. Obviously it wasn’t about how to get dressed, but that gives you a sense of how system-oriented that book left me thinking.
Well, I found that there’s a limit to systems. At some point you end up with what feels like a very bureaucratic company. Other times, it stifles creativity or challenges it. So, over the last few weeks, I’ve been talking to an entrepreneur who actually used to run EMyth, the company. He used to be the CEO. Now he’s got a new company.
His name is Jonathan Raymond. He is the founder of Refound, which teaches people how to become great people managers. He has this new way of changing the relationship that we have as entrepreneurs and business people with systems.
Jonathan Raymond is the founder of Refound, which teaches people how to become great people managers.
Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy and I’ve got an interview here coming up that’s way different from the others that I’ve done. The reason that it’s different is I usually interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses and I get into the details of it. We’ve done a bunch of those, over 1,000 interviews my team and I have put together here with entrepreneurs like the founders of Airbnb, the founder of Wikipedia, etc.
In some of those interviews, you might have seen that I got really excited about systems. In fact, we’ve done a series of interviews around systems because frankly I needed it. I needed to organize my company. I just wanted a process. When I was thinking about how to do it, I remembered back to my entrepreneurship class where Professor Craig Boyce handed every one of us a copy of “EMyth,” the book.
He said, “You don’t...
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