How a serial dabbler launched The Baby Bathwater Institute

Michael Lovitch, RealDose Nutrition, eCommerce, Food, Networking, Non-Tech

If you guys have been listening to me, you know that I’ve been jazzed about this event coming up called Baby Bathwater.

Well, I was talking to the founder and I asked him what he was doing before and he told me he used to have a supplements company. I’ve always been intrigued by supplement companies.

Turns out there’s good money in it. I invited him here to tell us how the business works.

Michael Lovitch is the co-founder of RealDose Nutrition, a line of doctor formulated products supporting weight loss and anti-aging.

Michael Lovitch

RealDose Nutrition

Michael Lovitch is the co-founder of RealDose Nutrition, a line of doctor formulated products supporting weight loss and anti-aging.

Andrew: Hey, everyone. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses.

If you’ve been listening to me for some time, you know that I’m a little high on this event called Baby Bathwater, where you get this—this is all I want from conferences. I don’t need more fancy presentations with better keynote slides and beautiful backdrops. I think those are great. I don’t need more of those.

What I want is what I used to have when people who were amazing entrepreneurs would come to my office and have scotch with me for like an hour or two or when they’d come to my house for dinner and we’d get into it a little bit. I want someone to organize that for me and to have it go on for a few days so we can get in depth. I want someone who—I hate to say this in an intro—but someone who gives a fuck about me and I respect their opinion to just spend some time...

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