How do you know an idea is worth pursuing?

Gregory Koberger, ReadMe, Mixergy Fan, SaaS (software as a service)

Joining me is a listener who has been a part of the Mixergy community since 2008. He is someone who worked for Mozilla and discovered a pain point there.

But when he applied to YC with a solution, he didn’t get in. We’ll talk about what happened that day in this interview. And also about what he changed in his pitch after that painful experience.

Greg Koberger is the founder of ReadMe which gives teams the tools they need to create and manage beautiful documentation with ease, monitor their APIs and connect with their users in more personal ways.

Gregory Koberger


Greg Koberger is the founder of ReadMe which gives teams the tools they need to create and manage beautiful documentation with ease, monitor their APIs and connect with their users in more personal ways.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses, and I do it for real entrepreneurs. Joining me is somebody who listened back in 2008 when I was getting started, and he was pointing out how things felt so much smaller back then. It felt like a smaller ecosystem. It felt like a smaller group of people who were starting companies, it felt smaller and it grew and grew to the point where I sometimes . . . I miss those old days too sometimes, you know, Greg. Don’t you?

Gregory: Yeah, I feel like I still love Silicon Valley and San Francisco’s startup culture. But back then it wasn’t cool to be doing startup. It was 2008, the market had just crashed. When I first moved out here, there’s absolutely no funding. There’s a few big companies, but like Google wasn’t . . . they were still the underdog. Facebook, if they exist was so...

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