Matthew: G’day mate, how are you doing? I’m just changing my sound settings. I can’t hear you. One second. There we go.
Andrew: Hey, can you hear me okay?
Matthew: I can, mate. How are we doing?
Andrew: Good. I dig the backdrop.
Matthew: Yeah. So I’m actually recording my Rapid Growth video series at the moment. So I’m actually still in the studios. So I figured I’d put their logo behind me so they get a little bit of a plug out of it.
Andrew: Looks good.
Matthew: How have you been anyway, man? It’s great to finally meet you.
Andrew: Same here. I’ve been checking out a bunch of your stuff. I want to make sure that I’ve got this right. The company that you started was in 2003 you started Choice Mobiles.
Matthew: Choice Mobiles. Yeah.
Andrew: You’re the founder of it?
Matthew: Correct.
Andrew: What was the website for it? I found like...