CEO Burnout. Why Moz Might Get a New Leader – with Rand Fishkin

Rand Fishkin, Moz, Customer Acquisition, Marketing, Subscription (Membership) Model, System, Traffic

This interview wasn’t meant to be about burnout. It was supposed to be about getting traffic (and I think I recorded some handy ways you could do it). But part way through the conversation, I noticed something in Rand Fishkin’s voice, so I asked him if he was burning out from doing too much.

When you listen to the discussion that led to, you might notice a path you’ve inadvertently gone down too and what you can do about it. You might also understand one reason why Rand made news recently by replacing himself as CEO of Moz, which creates popular SEO software, marketing analytics software and inbound marketing content.

Rand Fishkin


Rand Fishkin is the Co-Founder of Moz, a leader in the field of search engine optimization tools, resources & community.


Andrew: Hey, there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart. The fist isn’t so powerful here today, and I’ll be honest with you. I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Usually when I do these interviews, I know most of the answers to the questions because I prepped. I do a lot of **** homework.

And I’m prepped and I’m ready to go, and I know exactly where I’m guiding the conversation so that you, my precious listener, will get as much value of the time we’ve spent together as possible. I don’t want to leave it to chance. I want to know that I’m going in there knowing as much as possible so that I can guarantee, or come as close to guaranteeing as I can, that you’re going to get quality and value out of our time together.

And so here’s the part where I’m really open with you. I’m a little intimidated by...

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