If one startup fails TWICE, is it over? – with Rajesh Setty

Rajesh Setty, WittyParrot, B2B, Customer Acquisition, Failure, Indian Founders, International Founders, Mental Game, System

Before the interview started, I said to my guest, “I’m not sure we should do this interview. Your company seems too new; it seems too inexperienced.”

Well, he fired back with his revenues and I said “Alright.” I’ll ask him about his revenue in the interview so my audience can hear it.

Today’s guest is Rajesh Setty. He is the founder of WittyParrot, which allows companies to capture tags and reuse content to speed response and save time.

Rajesh Setty


Rajesh Setty is the co-founder and President at WittyParrot which allows companies to capture, tag and reuse content to speed response and save time.


Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner, and I am the founder of Mixergy.com, home of the ambitious upstart and I am the guy who sometimes can say obnoxious things. For example, I just said it before the interview started. I said to my guest, I am not sure we should do this interview. Your company seems too new, it seems too inexperienced. I don’t think it fits with Mixergy, and then he fired back what his revenues were for this company that was just basically a few months old. What is it? Maybe 24 months old, two years. All right. I will ask him in the interview. He could hear it.

But I should introduce him first. He is Rajesh Setty. He is the founder of WittyParrot, which allows company to capture tags and reuse content to speed response and save time. Let me explain how that practically works. You know you get a lot of email that asks the same question again and again and you have written those answers before. Well with WittyParrot, you have...

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