Beyond the basics of content marketing – with Brian Clark

Brian Clark, Rainmaker, Bootstrapping, Content, Customer Acquisition, Hiring, Marketing, SaaS (software as a service)

This interview is going to be appealing to people who are not developers, not coders. People who watch, frankly, all these coders get funded with millions of dollars.

If that’s you, you’re going to really appreciate how today’s guest is not one of those people. This interview is also meant for people like me who have been publishing and writing content online for a long time, and have been following the work of today’s guest for years.

Brian Clark is the founder of Copyblogger and Rainmaker Digital, which creates tools and training for online marketers and publishers.

Brian Clark


Brian Clark is the founder of Copyblogger and Rainmaker Digital, which creates tools and training for online marketers and publishers.

Andrew: Hey, there, Freedom Fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart. I think this interview is going to be appealing to a handful of people, largely to people who are not developers, not coders and code nonstop, and watch, frankly, all these coders get funded with millions of dollars.

If that’s you, you’re going to really appreciate how today’s guest is not one of those people. It’s also meant for people like me who have been publishing and writing content online for a long time, and have been reading today’s guest, and his work, for years, and following along with him.

Let me introduce him. He’s Brian Clark, and when I first heard about him, I was reading him pretty much everyday. He ran Copyblogger where he taught me, and so many others, how to write headlines, how to engage people, how to build a mailing list, really he was my instructor. I would have my site up...

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