Do the worst employees make the best founders?

Fred Stevens-Smith, RainforestQA, B2B, Failure, Mobile Apps

Today’s guest was fired and he told our producer he was actually proud of it. He said he deserved it.

As a result he went on to start his own company. His business has a lot of competitors, many of whom I’ve interviewed before.

I want to understand how he’s doing as well as he is with all the competition he has.

Fred Stevens-Smith is a Co-Founder and CEO of RainforestQA which offers modern testing for web and mobile apps.

Fred Stevens-Smith


Fred Stevens-Smith is a Co-Founder and CEO of RainforestQA which offers modern testing for web and mobile apps.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, which is home of the ambitious upstart. And I remember as an ambitious kid going and working for this telemarketing company where they’d have you pound the phones and sell. I think we were selling the newspaper, the San Francisco Chronicle back from New York because they wanted I guess the New York hunger to sell. And then one day . . . these people didn’t care about anyone who works for them.

One day, they just fired me. They didn’t even say, “You’re fired.” They just handed me the piece of paper and they said, “Sorry, you’re not a good fit anymore,” and I left. And I never picked up my final paycheck because I was so embarrassed that I was fired. I was so embarrassed by it.

And the reason I say that to you is because today’s guest, so you might see on camera is a smiling guy, he was fired. And I’m...

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