How a founder’s mindset got Quest Nutrition to $400,000,000 – with Tom Bilyeu

Tom Bilyeu, Quest Nutrition, Brand (branding), Customer Acquisition, eCommerce, Food, Mental Game, Non-Tech, Physical Product, Scaling, Wow People

Every ten days or so, I get a box of Quest Protein bars delivered to the office. For a long time, I just assumed the company behind it was some big manufacturing company, but I recently discovered it’s not that at all.

It’s actually three entrepreneurs who started the company in 2010, who grew it enormously fast, who are killing it with revenues, with exposure, and with customer fandom.

Today I’ve got Tom Bilyeu. He’s one of the founders of Quest Nutrition, a company and I’ve really gotten to admire the more I’ve read about them and prepared for this interview.

Tom Bilyeu

Quest Nutrition

Tom Bilyeu is the founder of Quest Nutrition, the maker of the #1 protein bar, Quest Protein Chips, and Quest Protein Powder.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of, home of course of the ambitious upstart. This is the place where we dig into how entrepreneurs have built their businesses.

And here at Mixergy headquarters on 201 Mission Street–I always say that so that you guys feel comfortable coming here for scotch sometime–every ten days or so, I get a box of these delivered to the office. It’s Quest Protein bars. Actually, this one I just discovered recently, a chocolate version of the Quest bar.

Tom: Nice.

Andrew: But I always get a box of them delivered over to the office. It’s such a good snack for me because it’s got high protein, not a lot of calories and at the end of eating it, I don’t feel like I’ve had the equivalent of a Snickers bar. I feel I’ve not eaten something horrible for myself and it does taste good.

For a long time, I just kind of assumed the...

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