Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. Joining me is an entrepreneur who back in the, very first internet, boom said, you know, it doesn’t have to just be on computers.
What if we could take all this knowledge that’s being generated by the internet and make it available to people by phone. I feel like Alex is one of the reasons why people are excited about the future of technology back then, right.
Alex: The fact that you weren’t stuck at a computer, but you could connect both with information and people anywhere you went with, whatever device was in your hand, that was a really compelling vision for people. And it really did get them excited.
Andrew: I would even take it beyond that, the fact that you took information outside of the computer made people feel like what else is possible? We don’t know....