A founder faces pivoting or failure (8 separate times)

Pablo Fuentes, Proven, Content, Failure, Hiring, Marketing, Marketplace, Non-Tech, System

I was invited to do an interview on stage of Podcast Movement, and soon after I got off the stage, this guy who looked like a rockstar came over to talked to me.

He started telling me about his company, Proven, and how it’s hiring software for small businesses. I thought, “Does the world needs another piece of software to like hire?” I thought this was a solved problem. That was until he told me how much revenue he’s doing, and what he’s doing to grow the business.

Pablo Fuentes is the founder of Proven. We’re going to find out how he came up with a bunch of really bad ideas that were close to the idea for Proven and they all seemed to fail.

Pablo Fuentes


Pablo Fuentes is the founder of Proven, a job post site for small businesses.

Andrew: Hey, everyone. My name is Andrew Warner, I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. I was invited to do an interview on stage of Podcast Movement, and soon after I got off the stage, this guy who looks like a rock star came over and talked to me.

So that’s like the boots, the hat, the whole freaking look, and as someone who’s tried to get a look for years and didn’t make it work I was impressed. And we sat down we just talked his two podcasters. He’s a guy who has a podcast called Business War Store, Small Business War Stories, excuse me. We talked about it and as we were talking, he started telling me a little bit about like anxiety and business and, you know, that the mental health challenges that we have to deal with ass entrepreneurs and I said, “This does not sound like something you learn from a podcast. Tell me more about what else you’re doing.” And he...

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