Why sell a profitable company to take a risk on a new one?

David Rogenmoser, Proof, B2B, Marketing, Sell Your Business
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David Rogenmoser finally had a profitable business. PayFunnels, which allowed businesses to offer hassle free, fast, online payments.

How did he do it? And, more strangely, why did he sell it take a risk on a new company, Proof?

Proof allows you to boost your website conversions with intelligent social proof.

David Rogenmoser

David Rogenmoser


David Rogenmoser is the founder of Proof which boosts your website conversions with intelligent social proof.

Andrew: Hey, everyone. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they build their businesses. And a few weeks ago the founder of FE International emailed me and he said, “Andrew, you’ve got to get to know this entrepreneur.” And FE International, if you’ve listened to some of my interviews, you probably know is a company that sells software startups largely. And I feel like, you know what? This guy has deep insight into the companies that are on his network, that he helps sell. If he’s recommending an entrepreneur for me to get to know, I’ve really got to get to know them.

So I reached out to the entrepreneur, and we have him here on the site for today’s interview. His name is Dave Rogenmoser. He is the founder of, among other things, a product called Payfunnels. He created it to solve his own problem. He wanted to collect payment from people sometimes on the phone, make...

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