Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. And joining me is a Mixergy fan, which I’m proud that you’re listening Davis, but I didn’t realize that your current company Printful. Um, which allows people to create t-shirts and other products on demand, and then you’ll even send it out for them.
I didn’t realize that this was born out of startup vitamins. I remember started vitamins. You guys created these posters and other things that were, you basically tell me if I’m wrong. I think you took some of Mark Zuckerberg statements and some of the posters that he would have in, in, uh, Facebook in the early days to motivate his people.
And you said, let’s make this type of thing available for everyone and then startups would buy it and keep it around on their desk for themselves on their walls for their...