Shark Tank Case Study: The online course that’s grown to a $20M Prep Expert

Shaan Patel, Prep Expert, Content, Educational Company, PR / Media Marketing

Shaan Patel is the founder of Prep Expert, an ed-tech company that specializes in online SAT & ACT preparation.

I’m going to ask him what it was like to shake hands with Mark Cuban for the first time on national television.

I also want to find out what being on Shark Tank meant for his business and how it has exploded since.

Shaan Patel

Prep Expert

Shaan Patel is the founder of Prep Expert, an ed-tech company that specializes in online SAT & ACT preparation.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about . . . Hey . . . about how they built their business. Shaan, before I even go into full intro, do you remember the first time that you like shook hands with Mark Cuban after he invested with you?

Shaan: Oh, yeah. It was on television. It was the most amazing moment in my life. Like, I had visualized it for almost a year at that point. And for it to actually happen was just like mind-blowing to me. I thought I was in a dream. Yeah.

Andrew: Did you used to, like, read about Mark Cuban as a kid? You’re an ambitious guy.

Shaan: You know what? Yeah, I definitely read a lot about entrepreneurship, was listening about it, watching videos. Mark Cuban is, obviously, one of the business luminaries in the world, billionaires and I just . . . I had some kind of attraction or affinity for him for a long time and it was so crazy to...

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