Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about . . . Hey . . . about how they built their business. Shaan, before I even go into full intro, do you remember the first time that you like shook hands with Mark Cuban after he invested with you?
Shaan: Oh, yeah. It was on television. It was the most amazing moment in my life. Like, I had visualized it for almost a year at that point. And for it to actually happen was just like mind-blowing to me. I thought I was in a dream. Yeah.
Andrew: Did you used to, like, read about Mark Cuban as a kid? You’re an ambitious guy.
Shaan: You know what? Yeah, I definitely read a lot about entrepreneurship, was listening about it, watching videos. Mark Cuban is, obviously, one of the business luminaries in the world, billionaires and I just . . . I had some kind of attraction or affinity for him for a long time and it was so crazy to...