How Pranit Banthia bootstrapped a college project into a $10M company with impressive clients

Pranit Banthia, Hi-Tech Outsourcing Services, B2B, Bootstrapping, Consulting, Customer Acquisition, Hiring, Indian Founders, International Founders, Mental Game, Outsourcing

Today we’ve got an entrepreneur from the other side of the globe. I want to find out how an entrepreneur in India built one of the top outsourcing companies in the world. In 1992, Pranit Banthia founded Hi-Tech Outsourcing Services which does non-voice-based, but knowledge-based services to global companies.

You know those annoying phone calls you get from outsourcers? That’s not his company. You know how some companies need other companies to take phone calls for them? That’s not what his company does either. They started with simple data entry services and now provide software solutions, Engineering Design, and BIM services.

Pranit Banthia is the founder and CEO of Hi-Tech Outsourcing Services, which provides software solutions, Engineering Design, and BIM services.


Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I am the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart. This is home of interviews with entrepreneurs from all over the world who come here to spend about an hour with me and you to talk about how they built their businesses, teach you what they learned along the way, and pass it on so that hopefully you’ll get some value out of this conversation, use what you’ve learned to build a successful company yourself, or grow your already successful company.

And then come back here and do your own interview so you can share what you’ve learned with others. That is the circle of Mixergy, my friend. And today, we’ve got an entrepreneur from the other side of the globe. I want to find out how an entrepreneur in India built one of the top outsourcing companies in the world. In 1992, Pranit Banthia founded Hi Tech Outsourcing Services which does non-voice-based, but knowledge-based services...

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