Dan Franks Podcast Movement: Grassroots origins to 7 figures

Dan Franks, Podcast Movement, Networking, Non-Tech

Today’s guest has come full circle from having me on his podcast to now running the annual Podcast Movement conference.

Dan Franks is Co-Founder and President of Podcast Movement which is the worlds’ largest and longest running podcast conference.

I find out from Dan how the conference’s growth has exploded over the years and what we can expect from this year’s conference.

Dan Franks

Podcast Movement

Dan Franks is Co-Founder and President of Podcast Movement which is the worlds’ largest and longest running  podcast conference.


Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses for an audience of entrepreneurs. Joining me is someone who used to listen to my podcast, and when he decided that he was going to create a podcast of his own, he invited me on and I thought it was just phenomenal.

And then a few years later, I went to this conference that I had heard so much about called Podcast Movement, a conference for podcasters, and I was amazed by the size of it. In fact, even before I arrived, I was amazed by how many people talked about it, how big it had gotten. And then I realized it was the guy who interviewed me, it was the guy who was listening. It was Dan Franks. And I watched his thing just grow and grow and grow and I asked him to come on, and I think he was being strategic by saying, “Yes, but let’s wait.”

And my guess is, Dan, that you’re waiting...

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