Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart and the oldest, longest-running tech interview show where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses.
Today’s guest is the founder of EqualLogic, a company that she sold for $1.375 billion in cash! When the deal was announced, it was the largest ever cash purchase of a private venture-backed tech company, and you and I never heard about it in the tech press but we’re going to learn about how she did it here today.
Paula Long is the founder of EqualLogic, a supplier of data storage for large companies. She sold the business to Dell. We’ll find out how she did it and we’ll also find out why the following year she launched a company that she’s running today called DataGravity which turns storage from a container to an asset to give you insight into your data.
And this whole thing is...