Litmus: How A Secondhand Computer Turned Into A Multimillion Dollar Business – with Paul Farnell

Paul Farnell, Litmus, B2B, Bootstrapping, Marketing, Mental Game, SaaS (software as a service)

Paul Farnell is proud that he launched Litmus with a used computer and a few hundred bucks, instead of raising money for his company from investors.

But starting a business with little money meant he needed a lot of hustle, and you’ll hear him talk very openly about the feats he pulled off. I was going to add a few examples to this intro to give you a sense of how he did it, but I think you’ll miss the value if I take them out of context. Instead, I’ll tell you that if you trust me at all to steer you towards ideas you need to hear, you should grab this interview ASAP.

Paul Farnell


Paul Farnell is the co-founder of Litmus. Litmus tests and tracks your email campaigns, so you can always put your best design forward.


Andrew Warner: Three messages before we get started.

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Finally, do you want to build a web app that interacts with phones? Twilio makes it easy. The founders of PagerDuty created a web app that tells site administrators when their systems are down. By using Twilio, they could send alerts via phone and SMS to their users. They didn’t...

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