Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of, which you already know is home of the ambitious upstart.
I was speaking all day at a conference here in San Francisco a few months ago. In the short break that I had over lunch, I ran into Patrick Ambron, who told me, “Andrew, so much has happened since I taught a course on Mixergy about how to build and protect your reputation online. I said, “Oh, yeah? What happened?” Well, actually, he started going into his revenues. You’ll hear in a moment what he said to me specifically. I stopped him right there and I said, “You got to let me interview you on Mixergy about how you did all that.” That’s what we’re doing here today.
Patrick Ambron is the founder of Brand Yourself, “A company that helps you look great when employers, clients and even dates Google you.” I love that tag line. I invited him here to talk...