Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of, home of the ambitious–and also today I’m perplexed. I’ve got a guest here with me. His name is Pascal Finette.
He is incredibly well-known. He is the Managing Director of Singularity University. He was director of Mozilla Labs. I’m just looking through your LinkedIn profile here, Pascal. You are perplexing me. You were Head of Platform Solutions Group at eBay. You’re really well-known–portfolio manager at Google for like, what, 90 days, you said, something like that?
Pascal: All of 90 days. Yeah.
Andrew: All of 90 days. So, you have a really interesting past. Here’s the thing that I’m especially curious about, this company called Oil on Mars that you launched early on your career that you called–what did you call it, “The stupidest idea?”
Pascal: Yeah. Probably.
Andrew: Yeah,...